The Philosopher’s Stone
by now, either you are a good Harry potter fan and have chewed the pages of ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’ and his other books or you are indifferent/ignorant/disinterested.
in case you are looking forward to read the books , please don’t read the following scribble. it may be annoying.
the magical journey began with the wizardlings rejoicing today,
as the Dursley muggles, owls and shooting stars, signed the day;
lemon drop Albus, ruffled Minerva and the biking man astride,
the scar, flair and the frenzy; Hagrid held The Boy Who Lived.
a decade later, one day Harry was taken to a zoo, for limping Figgs,
thoughts of flying bikes, green flash, blinding pain in reptile house;
as Harry hissed with the boa constrictor, shocking Dudley and Piers,
in a bizarre manner he set it free, the charm of The Vanishing Glass.
as Harry dreaded the first day of school, with the elephant skin rags,
ballistic Vernon was swamped with epistles, in emerald envelopes;
cupboard, smallest room, cokeworth, shed, 3 minutes to age eleven,
a second to go, and BOOM, then took form The Letters From No One.
smashing entry, the cake and the hut was full of Hagrid’s girth and sizzlers,
the Hogwarts’ giant chuckled for famous Harry in the world of sorcerers;
admission letter, books, you-know-who’s exile, parents of wizarding links,
pig tail dudley, kip blanket for Harry, Rubeus The Keeper of the Keys.
morning, the leaky cauldron glimpsed the first of the fans going frantic,
Tom to Quirrell, trash can bricks to end in the wizard’s downtown attic;
gringotts, galleons, vault 713, robes, hedwig, books, a smug like Dudley,
only other phoenix feather brother wand, the icing from the Diagon Alley.
came 9/1 and the trunk, cage, nerves stepped into the marvelous express,
one Ron, and know-all Hermione, Neville, Draco’s gang, whole lot red-hairs;
Ginny back, Flamel talk, station, lake and starred the castle of Hogwarts,
best, the first of The Journey From Platform Nine and Three-Quarters.
into the castle, house ceremony graced the common room with its song,
gryffindor, hufflepuff, ravenclaw, slytherin qualities, by the smart song;
sorted well, as Albus welcomed amidst the fiery scar, Snape and the turban,
food, school tune, dream, gryffindor friends, moments of The Sorting Hat.
142 stairs in all, herbology, history, charms, transfiguration some subjects,
tea time with Hagrid, fang, news of a vain vault break-in at the gringotts,
dada with Quirrell a joke, lesson with Snape, obvious dungeon disaster;
amidst whirling thoughts, brewed the visible hatred of The Potions Master.
flying lessons began, lightning Harry demoed the quidditch skills for Neville,
earned him the youngest seeker and a spar with Draco, for the Remembrall;
trophy room trick, lead to forbidden corridor, gory dog with a brutal growl,
a guardian, vault, the package, the attempt, courtesy The Midnight Duel.
glee of the new nimbus 2000, quaffles, badgers and the snitch, game rules,
add to that a he/she tussle, and Quirrell on the troll visit in the dungeons;
to the rescue of Hermione, un-thinking consequences, went Harry and Ron,
she took the blame, and the troll sparked a great friendship on Halloween.
a dog-bit Snape limped, livid with a suspicious Harry, the game followed,
nervous Harry took guard, soon in demand, but a directed blip followed;
Quirrell tumbled away, as Snape’s robes set on fire, Hermione the witch,
the jinx broken, the snitch conquered, victory! Oh, spectacular Quidditch.
a dampened Flamel search, lit by christmas colors, chess, raining of gifts,
flute and anon invisible cloak, curiosity thrilled, to reach a mirror unused;
Harry with his family , an autonomous Ron, showed the deepest desires,
neither knowledge nor truth, thrusting prophet was The Mirror of Erised.
Severus as a referee a downer, a leg-locked Neville added to the gloom,
Chocolate Frog cheered him, Harry all! Eureka, the philosopher’s marble;
eyed by Snape, Harry won the sweet snitch, and Albus with the rabble
erupted; far Quirrell/Snape trembled, the prized gift of Nicholas Flamel.
the stone, a treasure, guarded by hell of spells, fluffy, irony in the name,
said the visit to Hagrid’s, a pub-earned dragon egg, definitely a bane;
amidst golden immortality, Draco ensured they saw the baby’s back,
final lapse, all in trouble, Charlie had Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback.
law-breakers, lost points, last place, hero to zero, so quick is the downfall,
detention the last nail, stone to be nicked, broken seemed Quirrell’s will;
unicorns slayed for existence, in blood the hooded beast quenched thirst,
inevitable! Ronan, Bane and Firenze; oracles of The Forbidden Forest.
against Neville, they set out for the stone, Albus away made a bleak quest,
music on Hagrid’s fluffy, scholastic Hermione past Devil’s Snare of Sprout;
seeker Harry, hero, Flitwick’s key charms, Ron, Minerva’s chessmen lore,
Hermione won Snape’s logic phial, ending journey Through the Trapdoor.
stood back-head Voldemort man, seeking a stone, forcing Harry to fetch it,
mirror, Harry bond for the stone, struggle of goodness, Harry blacks out;
3 days, all well, house champions, stone cared for, was Albus, all answers,
joyous trio back home, as the late Quirrell was The Man With Two Faces.
Labels: harry potter, philosopher's stone
I cannot believe you did this! The whole story in poetry?!?....complete with the names of the chapters!!.... must be some sort of a record I am sure....great!
Pradnya..., at 1:56 PM
:) :) not sure about any record, but as an hp fan, worth reliving the original.. enjoyed every word of it while writing too... immense pleasure :)
Scribbler, at 2:01 PM
Awesome ... keep it up :)
Niketan, at 10:39 PM
thanks for reading, nike :)
Scribbler, at 10:42 PM
This is just awesome!!!
I'm amazed that you could pen it down so very nicely....
Someone must tell J.K.Rowling to read this!!!
Khushboo, at 5:08 AM
thank you so much, Khushboo!
Scribbler, at 5:30 AM
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