Just Like That!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

the royal flush

the ten commandments of exodus, paths;
not meant; ludvig’s sonatas of the violins;
the power of your hands, limbs; the base;
cyclic, our limitation, lowest of the hands.

jack of all trades, heroism thy name thee;
pyramid square, the two bars, a fall sour;
a goddamn good world ,not in a melee;
but for Murphy and the eleventh hour.

the queen of the moon, not yet explained;
the annual count, and search for the signs;
sworn to the king, yet so close to the jack;
center of the elite, yet what lines to cross!

talent, thy name is the king, all yield to you;
two sides, a number! oops! they didn’t see;
ruler of the pack, size of life, natural vanity;
herald of the times, who is to beat thee?

the improbable, upset and the charisma;
the twist, stalwart and the unanswerable;
the crown of low to high, vane to humble;
genesis to end, cycle and circle of the ace.

when all good aligns, in the same hands;
grandeur, the power corrupts the hands;
yet say the other club, diamond, spade;
even with a royal flush, follow the heart!


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