the wicked force
lets just say, i am extremely happy today..extremely...
a lot of things got cleared up in my mind.. and all for good... when the interesting complex things make way, life can get back to the nice n mundane stuff..
and that is a very bad sign, because that means i am going to scribble some very random lines...
it is just weird that, the most unrelated words pop out, when my head is empty... very singular n unrelated, i must say...
so here goes nothing as usual...
red and blue, evil in the eyes;
thousand chains, buried in lies;
one bolt a while, ripping apart;
on mere ground, is wasted a dart.
lightning struck, a unicorn runs;
in shoveled snow, a boxter revs;
cave man sees, a car of future;
stoned winds, eager to nurture.
hot land, pissed steam, billowed;
mere presence and it shuddered;
reptile fangs, looks of a wolf;
of banished wrath, soaked in self.
corrupting minds, n running amok;
hatred bestowed, vultures creak;
the sea balks, wicked the curse;
trooper shoots, lost in the mist.
poisonous spread, ecstacy roots;
wily darkness, for scary drapes;
it corrodes your will, unaware;
one at a time, a good nightmare.
as the surge, feels like the kings;
sending power jolts in the nerves;
and the wicked force possesses you;
fiery eyes, burn-down looks of you.
it spikes n spikes, darkness throne;
higher and higher, emperor's throne;
till the wicked force gets hold of you;
slaying thoughts, wicked force in you.
immortal strength, by the wicked force;
infinite mist, owe it to the wicked force..
we are all blinded time and again... some with challenges, some with responsibilities, some with sadness.
the wicked forces never die.. they just disappear and reappear, time n again..
when they appear, they'll close down all doors, it doesn't matter how much you want to yell..
your voices will be muffled.. won't be heard..
and when they leave, well.. they don't so easily, unless you push the limits..
and they are just dormant.. dormant, till there is strength and a little smile.
well written... n very true
Shipra, at 11:52 AM
thanks dude... now u know why u call me dhrust :)
Scribbler, at 11:54 AM
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