Just Like That!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

the constant

one of my favorite TV shows (and who's not) is 'LOST'.

simply for its directorial precision, especially in the earlier seasons. i cannot imagine how they connected the dots between every scene. and for most, the show rocks because of jack and sawyer, i guess.

and one of my favorite episodes is 'The Constant'.

this scribbling has nothing to do with the show or that episode.in fact it has nothing to do with anything (not even sense) as usual.

it's probably just the sunday afternoons which force out the monday words..
so here goes nothing.

oh, who am i kidding? must be myself;
shifts my mind to times, a turbulence;
as i return to the crest and troughs;
thoughts to n fro, jump through years.

it's ok! say closed eyes, be the past you;
shhh! say open eyes, here, lost are you;
not till the voice in my head freaks, quivers;
but spot on with the bearings; never wavers;

flashes don't mean anything, not even pain;
difficult it is in the maze, you can't train;
a car, a wall, an ear, a mirror; to rebound;
who am i kidding? it's only one i ever found.

a beam of energy hits, awakens, prodding;
i run through the maze again, toddling;
toggling my conscience, caught in warps,
i sit quietly, as i oscillate on the lapse.

then i know, an anchor, i need a constant;
i tell my voice not to change, i'll come;
as i search for it, no, its not solitude;
then i find, and its not anywhere else.

all this is me, imagining things;
i understand now, i make a big deal;
my voice asks, 'then why do you do it?'
i say, 'beats the hell out of me'.

when reasons go, stopping the thought;
guess still, one thing can go wrong;
and when everything goes wrong,
i know Murphy will be my constant.


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